There was a party in our city this weekend -- and everyone from Snoop Dogg, the Cold War Kids, Sarah Silverman, Biz Markie and the Aquabats were invited.
As you know, we're huge "Yo Gabba Gabba!" fans at Franklin Avenue headquarters. (Yes, as Maria kids, between me and the Blogger Preschooler, I'm possibly the larger fan of the two). That's why we made sure to get down to the Shrine Expo Center on Saturday morning and brave the USC game traffic in order to catch Yo Gabba Gabba Live: There's a Party in My City."
And what a party it was. Hosted by quite possibly the coolest dude on the planet, DJ Lance Rock (he of the Run DMC specs and ultra cool furry hat) mingled on stage with costumed characters Muno, Brobee, Plex, Toodee and Foofa as they grooved to songs from the show.
Having listened to the "YGG!" soundtrack ad nauseum in the car over the past few weeks, Evan and I know those songs by heart as well. Later, Biz Markie came out to demonstrate beat boxing to tykes in the audience, while three of the "Freaks and Geeks" stars did a "dancey dance." The Aquabats also played the quick-timed verson of "Pool Party."
We attended the first show of the tour; others that followed featured different guests.
A few pics:
There's a party in my tummy!
"My name is MUNO! M-MUNO! Muh-muh-muh-muh-muh-mamuh-MUNO!" (He's tall and friendly!)
Weird Al Yankovic, behind the stage. Weird Al is no stranger to kids TV, having starred in his own short-lived show for CBS.
Hey kids, just gather round, fro Biz's Beat of the Day, I'mma teach you some sounds!
"Dancey Dance" featured Samm Levine, Martin Start and John Daley -- the geeks from "Freaks and Geeks".
Balloons are made made for me and you!
Aquabats sing -- Pool Party baby! It was a cool party, cool pool party, LA LA LA LAAAA.
DJ Lance Rock!
Sorry, Angelenos: This weekend's two shows were the only ones in L.A. for this tour. But given how all shows sold out, methinks there will eventually be a reprise at some point.
Of course, true fans could also fly to see one of the other shows around the country.
"Yo Gabba Gabba Live" travels this Saturday, Nov. 21, to New York; show will then be in Dallas on Nov. 28 and in Chicago on Dec. 5.
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