One final post from my trip to Banff, Canada, for the Banff World Media Festival. As I've mentioned in the past, one of my favorite things to do in a foreign country is visiting the grocery store. Here's one Canadian grocery store find: "Muffets," as in "Little Miss"?
Another Canadian grocery store find: Not Macaroni & Cheese, but rather, "Kraft Dinner."
Among the restaurants in Banff, there's the Grizzly House -- "Buffalo & Caribou Served"
Back home, organizing my candy haul from Canada -- Nestle Smarties, Malteasers, Aero Dark, Kit-Kat Dark, Coffee Crisp, Caramilk.
Coffee Crisp are good for breakfast. Not with breakfast; FOR breakfast.
When I was a kid (back in ye olde days of the 1960's), we ate a lot of that boxed macaroni and cheese, and yes, it was officially called Kraft Dinner. I'm not sure when it began to be called Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Sometime in the 1980's perhaps?
My sister and I always cheerfully called it "Crap Dinner", although, admittedly, we liked the stuff.
To this day we refer to it as "Crap Dinner". Ah, memories. Good times, my friend. There's nothing quite like that glowing orange cheese powder.
So if buffalo or caribou walk in the door, they'll servethem?
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