
Monday, May 19, 2003

"President" Bush (yes, I still have a hard time dealing with it. Sorry.) holds a state dinner tonight with Philippines president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. It's only his third state dinner since coming to office, while Clinton and his father had already held more than 10 at this point. But as we all know, diplomacy is not exactly this Texan's strong suit.
The menu features crabs in the first course, while the main course includes lamb, achiote polenta, fava beans and cipollini onion. Mango sorbets, filled with coconut mousse, were draped with brightly colored leis made of sugar and chocolate. According to the Washington Post, the wines were a 2001 Pride Mountain Viognier and a 2000 DuMol Pinot Noir "Finn," both from California.

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