
Monday, June 16, 2003

Military secrets
While the public schools in the Antelope Valley (the high desert) are some of the worst in the state, more and more civilian workers at Edwards Air Force Base have been able to send their kids to Edwards' on-base elementary, junior high and high schools, according to the L.A. Times.
That's a big deal-- these on-base schools boast private-school caliber education--and I can vouch for that. Attending elementary school at Clark Air Base in the 80s, both my third and fourth grade teachers held doctorate's degrees.
The Times explains the allure, particularly of Desert High School at Edwards: The campus is an anxious parent's dream: It's small, safe and graffiti-free, and the cool kids are the ones who do their homework. The frequent booms are not from gang violence, but from the experimental aircraft breaking the sound barrier over the desolate border between Los Angeles and Kern counties.
With fewer military personnel at Edwards these days, room has opened up at Desert High for those kids of civilian base employees.

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