
Wednesday, July 9, 2003

What is it about the folks at TNN/Spike TV that the channel keeps attracting some really nutty lawsuits?
Again, the cynic in me things this is just a publicity ploy to get some headlines for the new animated Stan Lee/Pam Anderson series "Stripperella." But you be the judge:

Apparently an "ex-stripper" (Is that possible? Once a stripper, always a stripper, yes?) is suing Viacom, TNN, Stan Lee and Pam Anderson, claiming that the idea for "Stripperella" was hers.
According to former stripper Janet Clover, she whispered the idea of an animated show about strippers to Lee while giving the old man a lap dance in Florida a few years ago.
But the show on the air is a bastardized version of her idea, Clover says, so she wants it off the air.
We'll keep you informed.

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