
Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Spotted on Mike's Commute
Driving the same way to work every morning (Sunset to Wilton to 6th to Masselin/Wilshire, in case you're keeping tabs... and if you are, what's up with that?) gets old fast, which is why I'm constantly looking out for anything out of the ordinary.

And here you go. My favorite grafitti was, until recently, the well-done lettering atop the abandoned Coldwell Company building at Vermont and 6th. But the building's management -- I didn't even realize that it existed -- must have developed some pride, and actually painted over the lettering (which must have been at least 2 stories high).

But never mind that. I've found a new piece of grafitti to love, this time on the side of a brick building on Sunset, across the street from the Home Depot. What's the draw? As his piece de resistance, the tagger actually inserts himself into the grafitti -- a quick drawing, in black, of himself as a figure with a spray can in one hand -- and flipping the world off with the other.

That's right -- I'm assaulted every day on the road by a graffiti artist flipping me and every other commuter off. Pour me some Seattle's Best, and I'm ready to start my morning.

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