
Monday, September 15, 2003

Unfortunate Choice of Words
Recent deaths in the news have led to a few cringe-worthy items in magazine issues we've been thumbing through over the weekend.

To boot: In light of John Ritter's untimely death, due to an undetected heart problem, Entertainment Weekly's blurb on "8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter" (in its Sept. 12 Fall TV Preview issue) is unfortunate:

Be afraid, John Ritter.
"We've earned the right to go to some dark places," says creator Tracy Gamble. "I would like our characters to become more real and bleed more."
He means that literally in the case of the Halloween episode, a parody of Carrie in which high schooler Kerry (Amy Davidson) goes to a dance with boyfriend Kyle (Billy Aaron Brown).
"He's afraid to break up with her, so in his fantasy, it's like Carrie where the tables are flying and people are dying."

If that's not bad enough, the next issue of Entertainment Weekly -- Sept. 19, currently on newsstands -- awards recently passed Johnny Cash as the mag's "Winner of the Week":

After earning six nominations (but winning only one trophy, for cinematography) at the VMAs, Cash saw weekly sales of his 10-month-old CD, American IV: The Man Comes Around, more than double.

Unfortunately, EW went to bed just a day or two before Cash's death.

Then there's the recent People magazine feature on lesser-known siblings of famous people. Included in the profile: Yetunde Price, the half-sister of Venus and Serena Williams; Price was killed in Compton on Sunday.

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