
Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Cholesterol Be Damned!
Had my annual physical a month ago. But finally called my doctor -- the physician whose answer to everything is "You're young! Shake it off!" -- to get the test results back today.

Everything's fine. Cholesterol level: A low 198. (Good cholesterol 64.5, bad cholesterol 108).

But on a related health note, I'm still deaf in my left ear. Yup, I flew back Monday from Houston with a raging cold, and my left ear has still not unblocked. Thanks to Google, I found this remedy for "Airplane Ear":

Hold your nose closed, open the back of your throat as if you're yawning, bear down, then blow--but very gently. That forces air into the back of your throat and through your eustachian tubes. But you definitely don't want to try this if you have a sinus infection or think you might be getting one: When you bear down, you could force bacteria-laden mucus into your inner ear.

Tried it. Didn't work. But the person in the cubicle next to me sure got a kick out of it.

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