
Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Falling Down... In The Valley
Evil driver experience the other day in Northridge, as I was driven off the road by a crazy driver looking to turn into a strip mall parking lot... without noticing the big, gray Honda CRV (yes, that would be me) in the lane next to her.

I had to swerve into the parking lot to avoid missing her... and nearly plowed into a large post. Luckily, the CRV's turning radius is amazingly sharp, and some quick steering wheel action saved the day. Otherwise, considering the speed we were going at, not only would the poor CRV have been toast... but Maria and I might have been as well.

Said evil driver simply turned the corner and drove into the strip mall parking lot's other entrance. It was then that I was steamed. No wave, no sheepish "sorry" look, nothing. So I did what any other helpless-yet-angry driver would do: I honked in her direction and gave her the stink eye.

Yeah. That'll show her. Seriously, short of road rage, I'm never sure what to do in a situation like that. (Drive away and move on? Hmmm, yes, that's the mature route, but I'm looking for that vindictive, immature avenue.) Any ideas?

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