
Thursday, November 20, 2003

Downtown Boosters
KTLA this morning devoted most of its "KTLA Morning News" telecast to hyping the cool aspects of downtown L.A. (The unusual package was titled "Los Angeles: Hidden City.")

Only caught the tail end of the program, but it looks like KTLA gave quite a fine primer on what to do and where to eat downtown. Most of it is old hat to fans of downtown, but sometimes I forget that the sheer majority of Angelenos never set foot down there.

According to the recap on the Tribune-owned station's site, reporter Emmett Smith featured the Oviatt Building, the Central Library, the Bunker Hill Steps, the Library Tower, the Bradbury Building and the Orpheum Theater in his architecture piece.

"Kurt the Cyberguy" (what an unfortunate name) featured websites for downtown haunts the Empress Pavilion, Chinatown, Walt Disney Concert Hall and Ciudad.

Eric Spillman, in his lofts piece, featured the Little Tokyo Lofts, Grand Central Square Market Apartments, 2121 Lofts and Pegasus Lofts. (Interestingly, no "Old Bank District" Tom Gilmore properties.)

Sharon Tay's shopping story (stereotype, anyone?) hit the Otis School of Fashion Design, California Market Center, the Fashion District of Los Angeles, and the St.Vincent Jewelry Center.

Mark Kriski's hotels piece featured the Figueroa Hotel (where I still get 'Nam-style flashbacks of my bachelor party), the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Hilton Checkers Hotel (the hotel we spent the night at after getting married!), the Wilshire Grand Hotel and, of course, the Millennium Biltmore Hotel.

Then there was Sam Rubin's restaurant picks: Engine Company No. 28, R-23, Noe Restaurant, Patina at Disney Hall, Water Grill, Point Moorea, Pete's Café, The Standard Hotel and The Mayan Nightclub.

Show ended with Mayor Hahn and Rubin at Pershing Square, where Hahn mentioned that downtown was a good place to get engaged. He then mentioned the ice skating rink -- and Maria and I half expected KTLA to show a shot of our engagement, which, yes, believe it or not, the station has on tape from when I popped the question on ice (see our Engagement Story. Yes, that's the second time I've mentioned our engagement this month. Hey, I'm sentimental, OK?! And the two-year mark of that fateful night comes this Saturday.) But they didn't.

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