
Wednesday, January 21, 2004

A Modest Proposal

So I scrawled a goofy little column for today's Variety in which I, oh-so-modestly, solve the California budget crisis.

It's actually so simple -- and obvious -- that I'm sure you were thinking the same thing: It's time for Schwarzenegger to whore himself out. Big time:

If Schwarzenegger were to work non-stop in the coming year, pulling down hefty paychecks for movie roles, TV appearances, product endorsements and perhaps a line of "Girls Gone Wild: California" videos - and then deposit it straight to the state treasury -- he'd go along way toward getting this debt paid down.

"Terminator 4" and "Terminator 5"? Yes, but you're focused on the obvious. As shown by the massive amount of attention the media has paid to the California recall campaign and Schwarzenegger's election, this guy can appear in just about anything -- and people will show up.

Yes, my tongue is firmly planted in cheek. But hell. It's either that, or sell off San Diego. (And perhaps News Corp. is interested in purchasing Orange County to promote "The O.C."?)

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