
Monday, February 16, 2004

Justice for the Hall of Justice?

Another update on L.A.'s fabled Ghost Towers: The Downtown News checks in on the fate of downtown's Hall of Justice.

The Hall of Justice, of course, has been vacant since the 1994 Northridge earthquake. But until recently, it seemed like all systems were go for a long-overdue rehab of the 14-story Italianate-Beaux Art building, located at Broadway, Temple and Spring Streets.

Writes the paper: "In 2001, a pre-development deal was struck with Urban Partners to form the Hall of Justice Associates. County officials hoped the shuttered landmark would re-open by 2005, but disputes led to the contract's termination last July... The current plan calls for a $127 million renovation, to be funded by a mix of county capital, bonds and FEMA grants."

Originally slated to reopen in 2005, county officials hope to have the building back in operation by 2007 (but that's probably an overly optimistic date).

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