
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

LevitrA: The Official Erectile Dysfunction Drug of Los Angeles

Corporate sponsorship in the news again... this time, Los Angeles' city council is considering selling off naming rights for the city.

According to the L.A. Times, corporate tie-ins have become popular in several cash-strapped cities as a new revenue source.

Writes the paper:

San Diego has made millions by giving Pepsi the exclusive right to put its vending machines on city property, some council members said, so why not L.A. — the capital of self-promotion?

New York made headlines in September when it auctioned off the exclusive right to sell beverages on city property. The winner was Snapple, for $166 million over five years. Other cities have made similar if smaller deals, all of which has prompted Ralph Nader and other critics to bemoan what they see as the selling of public property.

Marketing experts said there probably are many companies that would like see their products tied to the city's sunny, beach-going, fun-loving image.

All right, I'm claiming it right now, before anyone else does: How does Franklin Avenue: The Official Blog of Los Angeles sound?

1 comment:

Muneer Hussian said...
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