
Wednesday, February 18, 2004

More Dangerous: The Philippines, or Variety's Miracle Mile Offices?

Turns out, Variety's offices!

Before we left from the Philippines, more than a few friends and family questioned how safe it might be. After all, the U.S. State Department had issued this warning on January 16:

The terrorist threat to Americans in the Philippines remains high, and the Embassy continues to receive reports of ongoing activities by known terrorist groups. In view of a number of security-related incidents and the possibility of future terrorism, and other violence or criminal activity, Americans traveling to or residing in the Philippines are urged to exercise great caution and maintain heightened security awareness.

However, most of that activity goes on in Mindanao -- the island far, far to the south. We were staying mostly in Manila, with day trips not too far away. So I wasn't concerned, nor was Maria.

And of course, when we got there, we felt completely safe. Security is a part of every day life there -- Guards, all packing guns, inspect you and your packages before entering any building, including shopping centers. Several stores have "male" and "female" entrances -- females' purses are checked, while x-ray wands scope the guys.

I've been more nervous in portions of L.A., such as when we hit pockets of downtown Los Angeles at night. In the end, our Philippines trip went off without a hitch.

Then we got back... and today, while working at Variety's offices, I got caught up in a bomb scare. Authorities evacuated our building after a suspicious package was found in our underground parking lot.

The building was sealed off for two hours, and theories ran wild: Perhaps it was a disgruntled "Blind Date" contestant. Or a hungry actor who didn't get cast in a Spelling TV pilot. (Both production companies are upstairs.)

Nothing came of the threat, and we returned to our desks. Variety lives!

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