
Friday, March 19, 2004

The "F" Word

Memo from the FCC, just as I start my radio show next week: Don't use the F-word.

Not that I was planning to -- this is a Hawaiian music show, not some shock jock program. (Although, to be fair, even Howard Stern and Co. have their limits, and that includes not uttering that word.)

Announcement came after the FCC on Thursday overturned a previous ruling and announced that it was indecent and profane when Bono uttered the word in a moment of excitement at last year's Golden Globes.

"The 'F-word' is one of the most vulgar, graphic and explicit descriptions of sexual activity in the English language," the commission said Thursday. "The fact that the use of this word may have been unintentional is irrelevant; it still has the same effect of exposing children to indecent language."

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