
Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Hot Potato

Perhaps this will mark the turning point in the current spate of cultural McCarthyism raging out of Washington: FCC commissioner Michael Copps is now turning his attention to soap operas.

Ooh. You can trash a lot of programming, and fans of those shows won't care. "ER" and "NYPD Blue" viewers shrugged, for example, when their favorite shows censored themselves in response to the post-2/1 environment.

Soap fans, though, are a vicious bunch. You start trying to change the sudser arena, and you'll incur the wrath of some angry, angry fans. If they're not careful, the FCC will wind up like Sen. McCarthy after he went after the Army.

I can see it now. Susan Lucci at a future Congressional hearing: "Chairman Powell, have you no sense of decency?"

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