
Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Howard Tsing Loh

Looking for a place to channel your First Amendment energies now that the KCRW/Sandra Tsing Loh flap has died down (in case you're not keeping up, KCRW offered Loh her commentary back, but Loh declined)? This press release just came across my desk:

Stand Up for Stern!

Hey So Cal... it's time to stand up for Stern

Who: Howard Stern Fans!

What: Stand Up for Stern Rally. Support freedom of speech on the radio. It is important that everyone who participates understands that they must obey all laws. You cannot impede traffic. You must stay on the sidewalk. Do not jaywalk. Cross the streets at the appropriate intersections with traffic signals. Park legally to avoid parking tickets. Bring your signs to show your support!

When: Friday, March 19 from 6AM - 10AM

Where: On the sidewalk in front of the Federal Building West Los Angeles
West Los Angeles Federal Building
11000 Wilshire Blvd.
West Los Angeles, CA 90024
(Cross streets Wilshire and Veterans)

Why: To protect freedom of speech on radio.

As Brian Lowry noted in his Variety piece today, Stern's whining has become grating, and may ultimately hurt his cause. But what the hell. It's always good to get a rally going to fight some of the post-2/1 cultural McCarthyism taking hold in Washington.

Meanwhile, Loh gets the last word on her firing from KCRW: Her Time magazine piece can be found here.

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