
Thursday, June 10, 2004

Trash Can Woes

Today is trash day in our new neighborhood -- and for now, we're having to sneak our garbage into our neighbors' waste container.

The reason? We don't have one, and the city of Glendale raised a big stink when we asked for a replacement.

When we moved in, we found the yard and recycle containers, but nothing for waste. I called the city and they quickly informed me that two containers had been issued at our residence. I told them that we had just moved in and there were no such containers in our property.

She countered by giving me two ID numbers that had been stamped on the containers and advised us to look around our neighborhood on trash day to take back said containers.

"You want me to steal?" I stammered.

"Well, they stole first!" she replied.

What a way to move into a new neighborhood: Starting a pissing match.

"Well what happens if we couldn't find the right ones?"

"Then we'll have to go through the next phase and get the Glendale PD involved."


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