
Thursday, July 1, 2004

Extra Greasy Spoons

L.A. Times has the list of May restaurant closures, which thankfully is a little shorter than usual. Apparently vermin was infestating in places other than Los Angeles' eateries last month.

Still, there were the usual round of mom and pop joints, mixed in with a few bigger names: Apparently those specks weren't chocolate chips! at the Mrs. Field's location on Colorado Blvd.; the cookie shop was shut down for a whopping four citations: "Gross contamination of utensils and/or equipment," "Vermin infestation," "Failure to prevent entrance and harboring of vermin" and "No potable water supply or no hot water" (because, after all, how are you going to boil up them rats?)

Also shut down for a time in May: The L&L Hawaiian BBQ in Carson and the Poquito Mas location in North Hollywood. Happy eats!

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