
Monday, May 23, 2005

Topless in Glendale

Glendale's daily paper, the Glendale News-Press, celebrated its 100th anniversary this weekend with a special insert.

Once a full-fledged independent paper, the News-Press has focused solely on local issues since being bought by the L.A. Times in 1993. In Glendale, it's now found inside the Times.

The special edition looked back on the paper's history -- including a time in the 1960s when, to boost circulation, the News-Press would feature a scantily-clad or topless woman on the front page.


"In a move to increase circulation, publisher Carroll P. Parcher decided to capitalize on the topless craze of the era... The provocative photos were printed in the upper-left-hand corner of the paper, sometimes large enough to squeeze headlines to the right of the page."

The Glendale News-Press: A paper ahead of its time.

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