
Thursday, January 26, 2006

E-Mail of the Day: NBC Makes Baby Jesus Cry Edition

Someone from the "Traditional Values Coalition" -- currently peddling the book "The Agenda: The Homosexual Plan To Change America" (Apparently it involves adding Kylie Minogue to radio station playlists across the country) -- has been emailing this piece around:

By Mrs. Andrea Lafferty
Executive Director, Traditional Values Coalition

Public outcry against NBC’s short-lived drama called the “Book of Daniel” should send a powerful message to Hollywood: Stop the Christian-bashing!

As I watched the first two-hour episode of this show, it was clear that this was so over-the-top in its bashing of Christianity that it became absurd...

All the characters in this drama were clearly dysfunctional. Jack Kenny, the writer/producer and open homosexual, was the brains behind this disaster. With a personal agenda driving him, he went to great lengths to discredit Christianity but ended up just looking foolish. The main character, an Episcopal priest was addicted to drugs; he had an alcoholic wife, a drug dealing daughter, and two sons who were sexually active (one is a homosexual). In addition, a female bishop was having an affair with the priest’s father who is also a member of the clergy. The sister-in-law was a bisexual. And, let’s not forget the priest’s friend who was a Catholic priest linked to the mob. I’ve never encountered a family this messed up.

The character who played Jesus is a hip, permissive dude who urges the priest to be tolerant of his children’s excesses. This isn’t the Jesus of the Bible...

Here’s a unique idea for Hollywood: How about treating Christians with the same respect you treat Muslims and Jews in your programming? After all, if these producers truly believe in tolerance, acceptance, love and inclusiveness, then they should include Christians. The refusal to do so can be costly—as NBC just learned.

Jesus potrayed as a tolerant, forgiving soul? Shocking! Which bible is she reading? Ahh... "The Holy Bible: The Angry, Spiteful, Vindictive Edition."

As for Hollywood treating Christians the same way it depicts Muslims in programming... so wait, this woman wants Christians to be portrayed as heavily stereotyped terrorists? Whose side are you on, "Mrs."?

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