Some of you know I've been jonesing to try Coca-Cola Blak for weeks. A mix of Coke and coffee, I thought it could either be fantastic... or truly awful.
Joe came into the office this morning with a four-pack he bought over the weekend (at the Super Wal-Mart in Santa Clarita). I quickly opened a bottle, which comes in 8 oz.
First sip: I kinda like the taste. But check out some of the ingredients: High fructose corn syrup, aspartame AND acesulfame potassium ("ace-K")! Plus loads of caffeine! This drink is going to kill people!
Second sip: Gotta say the aftermath is kinda weird though... feels like it's eating my stomach, and the taste in my mouth is kinda weird. Better take another sip!
Third sip: Hmm, I guess I could have made this at home. Just pour some coffee into Coke Zero.
Fourth sip: Ugh, this aftertaste is going to stick with me all day.
Fifth sip: Wait, remember that L.A. Times story two weeks ago about too much coffee causing heart attacks? Wouldn't that blow if "Coke Blak" was what did me in?
No sixth sip.
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