
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Southern California, Home to Two of the Nation's Most Dangeous Airports

Congrats to Los Angeles International, named fifth-most dangerous airport in the country, according to research.

Even more dangerous: Long Beach/Daugherty Field. TravelMole covers the Forbes story:

(Ranked first,) North Las Vegas, known as Northtown, had 63 runway incursions since 2001 resulting in six deaths. It is followed in the rankings by Long Beach/Dougherty Field, the scene of 78 incidents and no fatalities. In these cases, it was congestion and high flight volumes that led to the large numbers, said the report.

Busy Los Angeles International reported 95 serious incidents or collisions since 2001, giving it a No. 5 ranking on the list. The nation's fourth busiest airport had 128 runway incidents since 1997.

The Forbes article notes that travelers face more danger on the ground than on the air. editors examined 452 airports the size of the facility, the numbers of takeoffs and landings, and the severity of the incidents as categorized by the FAA.

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