One of our favorite bloggers, JustJenn, frequently writes about Target and the inability to get out without spending four times what your were planning on doing. No matter how many times you shop there, even if you're there just to pick up some paper towels and that's it, you'll somehow wind up leaving the store with $100 worth of merchandise.
Because we're having to watch our budget a little more these days (thanks, mortgage and fast-crippling property tax!) we're trying to keep our Target limit closer to $50. Still, today we came in looking for Ziplock bags, toothpaste and a new sippy cup for Evan, and wound up purchasing a Choxie bar (espresso and dark chocolate!), Toaster Pastries (that's all me -- brown sugar and cinnamon, of course), $12 worth of batteries and some Simpsons paraphernalia, as seen above.
But to be fair... the Choxie was a clearance item (saved 40 cents, yo!); the Simpsons playing cards, bottle opener keychain, magnets and post-it notes) were just $1 each (The One Spot, repruhZENT!); and once you have a toddler, you'll understand the importance of having tons of AA batteries on hand. EVERY toy requires them now. And they all seem to die at the same time, every three weeks.
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