We're heading up to the Bay Area in a few weeks to attend a wedding in Napa. (Actually, we're flying up on the new Virgin America airline -- review to come!) Now that the Blogger Toddler loves San Francisco (or, to be more exact, he loves the cable cars, the buses and the boat ride to Alcatraz), we'll spend a few days there, and a few more in Napa.
But we were also thinking of renting a car and road trippin'. Our original idea, drive up to Crater Lake in Oregon, was dashed when we couldn't find a room at the Crater Lake Lodge. Now, we're pondering several possibilities: Ashland, Ore., a quaint small town with nice restaurants and the Shakespeare Festival; Eureka, just because I'm intrigued by the Northern California coast; or maybe even heading the opposite direction to Carmel and Monterey.
Any suggestions out there? Is the drive to Eureka worth it? Should we drive all the way up to Oregon, or stick closer to SF and Napa, considering we've got a toddler in tow? Is there another spot in the general vicinity we should take a side road trip to? Your thoughts are appreciated!
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