The OC Weekly gives Yo Gabba Gabba! -- Franklin Avenue's current favorite TV show (well, the fave for two out of the three. Maria still prefers "Girlfriends" over the YGG!, but Evan and I are still working on that) -- the front page treatment.
Describing the show, the OC Weekly notes "YGG!'s" "decidedly and weirdly retro—Atari 2600-like animation coupled with live-action characters and hipster music acts who told kids to eat their veggies, be polite, make their beds and dance, dance, dance. H.R. Pufnstuf meets Pee Wee’s Playhouse, part Muppets and part MTV, an unabashed celebration of being young."
(Flickr pic by Mamadelic.)
I soo wish I could have made it to one of the annual Aquabats holiday shows... which this year included a set by DJ Lance Rock and the Aquabats! (above)
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