I jumped on a scale the other day. And quickly jumped off.
It was frightening. I'd reached a weight I'd never seen in my life.
When I moved to L.A. straight outta college in 1996, I was a svelte 155 (that's what it still says on my California drivers license, ha!). A few years later, all those business lunches and industry parties had taken their toll, and I moved into the low 160s range.
And there I remained. Until 2004, when Blogger Toddler was born -- and my gym-going days came to a halt. In more recent times, I've been in the 175 range, and accepting of my growing gut.
But now that I've smashed the 180 barrier (too many desserts, not enough exercise), I finally have the wakeup call I've needed. I finally rejoined the neighborhood Bally's (their latest "come back to us" plea offered $199 for two years, I figured I oughta) and now I'm gonna have to do some serious diet adjustment as well.
Well, that's the plan. Along with thousands of other resolution-minded folk in the New Year.
Will I succeed? Doubtful. But I figured I might at least try harder if I had to report my progress here at Franklin Avenue. Hence "The Bloggest Loser."
Any of you out there in the Blog-LA-Sphere interested in joining me? We'll report everyone's progress every Saturday. And don't worry, no embarrassing "before and after" pics. Email us at franklin_avenue@yahoo.com if you want to join in. Send in your current weight and your desired weight (I'd be happy to get back down to 165). We'll hold our first virtual weigh-in on Saturday, Jan. 12.
(Logo via BloggestLoser.Blogsome.com, which tried its own version in 2006.)
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