
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Preparing for the Apocalypse

Nina, the writer/blogger also known as the Slackmistress, has taken a whole new approach to the usual New Years' resolution: She's not just looking to exercise more or eat better. She's looking to survive the coming apocalypse.

So what's the The Post-Apocalyptic Workout? She explains:

So I woke up one day and realized that I'd be utterly useless in case of natural disaster, nuclear fallout, terrorist attack or a zombie revolution. I came up with The Post-Apocalyptic Workout as a way to document my attempt to not be a total and complete dumbass in the event of a Nightmare Scenario.

The whole philosophy behind TP-AWO is that I learn to carry my own weight and be responsible for myself (and my dog. Oh, and my husband!)

Kinda puts our Bloggest Loser campaign to shame!

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