As Maria suggested in her Thursday three, we parked in South Pasadena on Saturday afternoon and hopped on the Gold Line down to Chinatown. The goal: Check out the Golden Dragon Parade and other Lunar New Year festivities.
Once we got there, Broadway was packed with people (100,000 check out the parade annually, organizers claim). Blogger Toddler was a little creeped out by the constant rat-a-tat-tat of firecrackers -- not to mention the dragons dancing down Broadway. (It took him a while to realize those were people underneath.) So we briefly checked out the parade before moving on to dim sum at Ocean Seafood (review to come).
Happy Lunar New Year! (Blogger Toddler got confused when the waiter at Ocean Seafood wished us a "Happy New Year." Evan: "It's not New Year's! It's Valentine's Day!"
DJs spin grooves
A little girl enjoys the parade
Party poppers
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