
Friday, February 15, 2008

License Plate of the Day: Half-Assed Edition

This could very possibly be the best LICENSE PLATE OF THE DAY ever. Somehow, someone managed to pass through the vanity plate "SSAFLAH" to the DMV... and the overworked drones there didn't bother to read the letters backwards.

Yes, that's right. HALFASS.

Just in case you still didn't get that, here's the back of the plate:

Franklin Avenue reader Tom Esparza found the license plate on the ground one morning at Hollywood & Highland. Apparently "halfass" extended to mystery plate owner's inability to properly attach said license plate to his car. That, or his halfassed driving led to an accident, leading to his license plate being knocked off. Either way, the license plate of the day gods were shining down on us that morning.

Tom writes:
At first I could not figure out what it said, but then my friend told me to flip it over at which point I figured it out, "halfass" backwards. Sweet! Don't ask who the plates belongs to because I don't know, other than it's a person who likes to do things halfass!

Thanks Tom! And by the way, license plate submissions are always welcome, email 'em in to our franklin_avenue email. But remember, we're not liable if you smack your car into someone's rear end while attempting to take a photo of their ridiculous vanity plate!

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