Has it already been five years since we launched Franklin Avenue?!
The blog launched as part of my 2003 New Year's resolution. I'd been meaning to start one for quite some time, and finally, at the start of 2003, made a goal of (a) Launching a blog and (b) talking KCSN into giving me a radio show. I'm still busy with both: Not a bad year for resolutions. (I haven't been as strong with my weight loss resolution in 2008.)
Maria came up with the name "Franklin Avenue" -- after the street we lived on at the time. On March 3, 2003, I finally signed up with Blogger -- and we were off.
A lot has changed in our lives since we first started: Home ownership, and of course, the appearance of the Blogger Toddler, for starters. In the meantime, Maria scored a Grammy nomination and I whored it up constantly on TV. We also somehow managed to review more than 160 restaurants (although, considering the ones we never got around to reviewing, that number should be 200 by now).
There was also the wake for the Ambassador Hotel; two all-day urban hikes down Wilshire and Pico; two "Amazing Race" style battles around Los Angeles; and a eating gathering at P.E. Cole's.
You helped us name the Blogger Toddler; you also hopefully made a fortune by placing money on the BT's unprecedented 12 consecutive correct picks. (Sadly, he's since retired, going out with a perfect record.)
To celebrate, as Maria hinted last week, we're dusting off the Race... but with a twist. This time, we're inviting L.A. bloggers -- and we're putting together the teams. More details will be announced shortly, including a firm date -- but it will likely be the final Saturday of April.
Interested in either competing, or in helping out with the behind-the-scenes fun (we need people to help plan and execute challenges!)? Email us at franklin_avenue@yahoo.com.
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