I figured it would at least be a few more years before the Kid Formerly Known as Blogger Toddler mastered a skill before me.
But there I was this weekend, learning Yoga moves from a three-year-old. They're teaching Yoga at his pre-school, and he's already mastered downward dog and a few other moves. Me? Have never done Yoga. Never gone to a class, never tried it. And when I did... well, let's say my body isn't quite as flexible as it was when I was 3.
Then again, we're convinced the KFKABT thinks he's twice as old as he actually is. A few weeks ago at a festival, he started taling to a girl who was at least 8. We were distracted by something else, and missed part of their coversation.
Later, the girl asked Maria: "How old is he?"
Maria: "He's three."
Girl: "He told me he was seven!"
That's my boy.
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