
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sad Sod at the Americana

Flickr pic above by fellow Glendalian Scott Lowe (let's get together soon, guys!), who's been chronicling some of the mishaps so far at the Americana at Brand.

Last week, Maria and Evan hit the Americana -- only to be told to stay off the grass. Apparently the sheer number of people trampling over the grass has already forced the shopping center to rip up the grass and plant new sod -- possibly twice. We returned on Saturday night, and the fence was down -- but the new sod was already looking sorry. Perhaps they ought to think about installing the fake stuff -- would probably fit the manufactured-town-square theme a bit more anyway.

Meanwhile, Evan's still bummed to see that the trolley isn't operating. I've assumed that it's been in storage because of the crowds; with so many people walking over the tracks, it would be tough to navigate around the mall. But as Scott's photograph below shows, there's something actually going on with the trolley. Here, mechanics are messing with it:

ADD: Over at Tropico Station, Scott has a few more interesting Americana nuggets:
The Americana has been getting 400-500,000(!) visitors on weekends. Remember that Glendale's entire population is only 200,000.

Glendale's 911 center was overwhelmed with 250 calls from scared residents immediately after the infamous 11:15pm Americana fireworks display.

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