
Friday, October 10, 2008

The Reviews Are In, And Well.... The Reviews Are In

Bless you, Ray Richmond. The Hollywood Reporter reviewer's take on "Gimme My Reality Show" is, well, perhaps a tad unkind:

In the case of the new Fox Reality abomination "Gimme My Reality Show!" this is more than understandable; the pre-burial is more or less mandated. If this isn't the biggest waste of human DNA in television history, it must be awfully close. Less an original series than a cable preview of what Armageddon might look like, it joins seven truly frightening G-listers whose flirtation with fame long ago passed through the hourglass (if there ever was any sand in there to begin with). The gambit: gather grating gossip columnist AJ Benza, cosmetic enhancement nightmare Traci Bingham, bland opportunist Gretchen Bonaduce, "Brady Bunch" alum Susan Olsen, "American Idol" washout Ryan Starr, "Anna Nicole Show" queen Bobby Trendy and (God save us all) O.J. Simpson trial airhead Kato Kaelin in a competition to -- I'm not kidding -- land their own reality show.

Makes you wanna watch, right? Right? Here's what he has to say about yours truly:
The folks who compete with crass cluelessness on "Gimme My Reality Show!" would need to travel far up the food chain simply to be classified as run-of-the-mill pathetic. Moreover, the judges include one of journalism's own, Variety TV reporter Michael Schneider. If a show needs to delve into the ranks of we ink-stained hacks, you know it must be driven by a concept that's seriously flawed. In this case, it isn't really a concept at all but something you might concoct while enduring a weekend-long bender of weed and tequila.

Awww, yeah! Name checked! Thanks Ray... and now, everyone, don't forget to watch me look rather goofy on Saturday night at 9 p.m. (PT -- it's midnight on the east coast) on Fox Reality Channel!

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