THE BACKGROUND: The Blogger Preschooler has a little crush on Food Network star Giada DeLaurentiis. Thanks to Maria, Evan's gotten to know quite a few of TV's culinary and domestic divas, including Martha Stewart... but he's got a special place for Giada. When Maria's watching one of Giada's several shows, Evan will cozy up next to her on the couch and watch along. (He will, however, express his disappointment when Giada is on location and not cooking in the kitchen. That's our little guy, trying to perpetuate 1950s gender roles.)
THE SETTING: The Barnes & Noble location at The Americana at Brand shopping center; Friday afternoon.
THE PLAYERS: Evan and me; Maria's busy working at home.
THE SCENE: As we walk in, Evan and I pass a table full of books from Giada and other TV chefs. The Blogger Preschooler, of course, immediately gravitates to Giada's new book, "Giada's Kitchen," and has several questions (What's she making? Why is she using a lemon? Is she making lemon squares? Etc.)
THE EXCHANGE: Mike -- "Hey, maybe we can buy this for mom for Mother's Day!"
Evan -- "No, let's buy it for me for 'Evan's Day.'"
Maybe this is where it all began: Back when he was just a Blogger Baby, the three of us pose with Giada at the L.A. Times Festival of Books in 2005.
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