Back in November, the Blogger Kid and I took part in the Los Angeles Conservancy's "It's a Mod, Mod, Mod, Mod City" all-day driving tour of some memorable 1960s architecture in L.A.'s South Bay.
The event was part of the Conservancy's The Sixties Turn 50 campaign, a year-long celebration of the modern architectural revolution of the 1960s.
The '60s focus continues this Wednesday with a discussion of the "History & Preservation of 1960s Cultural Landscapes."
The Cultural Landscape Foundation is co-sponsoring the event; reservations here.
Wednesday, March 24, 7:30 p.m.
The Proud Bird Restaurant
11022 S. Aviation Blvd., Westchester
$5 for students, $15 for L.A. Conservancy members, $20 for the general public (refreshments provided)
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