It's not just the title of a tune by The Decemberists. "Los Angeles, I'm Yours" -- the creation of Poketo's Ted Vadakan and Angie Myung, as well as Bobby Solomon of Kitsune Noir -- is an art exhibit that showcases more than 30 artists, all demonstrating their love for our city.
"'Los Angeles, I'm Yours' tranforms the Space15Twenty Gallery into a "living art market. Filled with an eclectic mix of found objects, these vintage pieces are given new life as artists reinterpret abd reincarnate them into art," the organizers write.
The show opens on Saturday, April 24, at the Space15Twenty Gallery in Hollywood (1520 N. Cahuenga). Opening reception takes place from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
"Los Angeles, I'm Yours," which runs through May 15, also includes a special May 1 show with music by Portugal, the Man.
LAist talks to Poketo's Ted Vadakan here.
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