Ever since the L.A. City Nerd stopped blogging, the equally mysterious Militant Angeleno has taken the crown as the most passionate blogger about our great city. Now, the Militant has hopped on the Blue Line and traveled down to Long Beach, filing a series of reports this week about Los Angeles County's No. 2 city.
The first two entries are chock full of interesting info:
Seven LB Buildings You Should Know About
Under the Bridg-izzle
The first entry highlights several of Long Beach's famous and historic structures, including 1929's Villa Riviera (above) and 1967's circular International Tower.
And the bridg-izzle story? The Militant investigates "a concrete bridge supporting Orange Ave. and East Hill Street in Long Beach, just near the Signal Hill border. That sunken trench was once the Pacific Electric Railway's Newport-Balboa Line," the Militant writes.
As for Long Beach, the Militant explains his interest in the city: Known for a big boat, an aquarium, Snoop Dogg and the harbor, it also has many other unique qualities to it and its own history. The Militant's Long Beach Week will by no means be comprehensive, and you probably won't be some Longbeachologist by next week, but living basically in the shadow of Los Angeles for its entire history, its time to at least give The LBC some props. So Long Beach, this ones for you.
Militant Angeleno just celebrated his/her fourth blogiiversary.
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