
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Los Angeles and the Hanging Bears


You've probably seen these teddy bears all over Los Angeles, hanging from power lines. I took this pic on Hyperion in Silver Lake, where there are several instances of hanging bears. But friends have reported seeing the bears over in West Hollywood as well. Could it be the work of Berd, whose art has included hanging birds and hanging 'B's? Could it be the person behind the Hanging Tom Sellecks? If you have any intel, pass it on!


Militant Angeleno said...

It's a street artist that goes by the name of BEHR. :)

Will Campbell said...

These are particularly depressing. Yeah, that's right: they're unbearable.

Miles said...


Romy S said...

The teddy bears committing suicide all over L.A. is very disturbing. L.A. is a really harsh town.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps ...

Anonymous said...

Who cares

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