"Play Me, I'm Yours" comes to Los Angeles starting tomorrow as 30 pianists sit down at pianos stationed around L.A. -- and directly at noon, perform "Prelude No. 1" from Bach's "The Well-Temperered Clavier, Book One." After that, the 30 pianos will continue to be stationed at spots such as the Santa Monica Pier and L.A. City Hall for anyone to play.
British artist Luke Jerram first came up with the idea of "Play Me, I'm Yours," which has now been done in London, New York, Sydney and Barcelona. Here in Los Angeles, the L.A. Chamber Orchestra and its music director, Jeffrey Kahane, organized it. According to LACO, the group spent eight months "searching for pianos, looking for artists to decorate the pianos, coordinating site hosts for the pianos during the three week run and locating storage for the pianos while they were prepared for the outdoors."
Find a piano close to you by checking out the "Play Me, I'm Yours" blog here.
Photo via the Street Pianos website.
We got one at the Variety tower!
Great blog!
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