Last week I finally got to see the KROQ and "Kevin & Bean" studios up close, as I joined the show for two segments to talk TV. You can listen to the podcast of the show by clicking the above player; jump the cursor to 1:03:00 to hear the interview. The interview is wide-ranging, from why the broadcast networks aren't doing cable-like shows to how "Girls" is an acquired taste.
In honor of "Kevin & Bean," I even showed up wearing an R. Kelly "Trapped in the Closet" t-shirt under my normal button-down shirt. It was a fun experience, and thanks to Bean, Dave "The King of Mexico," Lisa May and Ralph Garman for the hospitality.
I enjoy it when you're on Kevin and Bean because you can tell that you listen to the show regularly and mix in really well. I loved it when you said "Fire Beer Mug" on one of your appearances!
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