
Monday, March 9, 2015

MIKE ON KCRW: Hosting "The Business" with Guest Adam Carolla

On this week's episode of KCRW's The Business, I fill in for host Kim Masters and interview Adam Carolla, whose new semi-autobiographical movie "Road Hard" is now in theaters and on VOD:
Comedian Adam Carolla has weathered career highs and lows, but he's been determined to follow his gut and always keep working. Now he's co-directed a movie in which he's also the star. Road Hard is a comedy with an autobiographical slant about a comedian's dark days on the road. He tells Michael Schneider how he got the money to make the film and why he was adamant about working outside the Hollywood studio system.

Matt Belloni of the Hollywood Reporter and I also discuss top entertainment news stories of the week:
- After poor TV ratings for the Oscars, the Academy considers a move back to five best picture nominees, instead of the current system, which allows for up to ten.
- Former NBC executive Andy Lack returns to the network as chairman of NBC News and MSNBC. Could this mean good news for Brian Williams?
- No one said the transition would be easy -- Amy Pascal encountered a potent problem when she tried to move into her new office on the Sony lot.

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