
Sunday, December 9, 2018

After The Storm: Is This The Trashiest That The Los Angeles River Has Ever Been?

Every year, the Blogger Kids and I participate in the L.A. River Cleanup: La Gran Limpieza, as sponsored by the Friends of the LA River (FOLAR).  The Cleanup takes place over three weekends, focusing on three different parts of the river, in the spring.

I hate to say it, but FOLAR may want to consider adding several more weekends this time around. Following last week's rains, the river is a mess. It's almost nothing but trash.

The Blogger Kid 2.0 and I noticed this while riding our bikes along the LA River bike path on Saturday. Not only is the river filled with garbage, but there's even a ring of garbage along the cement walls — marking, apparently, how high the water got. The water level has subsided, leaving behind all the trash it brought along.

I almost want to go out there right now and pick up trash, but with more rains likely in the coming month, it would be a bit futile. A few more pics:

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