
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Pumpkin Season is Back: Some of This Year's New and Returning Trader Joe's Selections

PUMPKIN SEASON IS BACK. By far No. 1 on my list of Trader Joe's favorites, the Pumpkin Biscotti. Why isn't this sold year-round? I've tried the other TJ biscotti flavors, but nothing comes close to the pumpkin flavor. And clearly others agree, as it seems to sell out quickly every year. One day Trader Joe's will learn its lesson and order more for sale. I can only hoard so many -- and our growing boys can easily inhale nearly and entire container in one sitting.

On the flip side, there are better pumpkin waffles out there. TJ's version is fine... but not as memorable.

No. 2 on my list of Trader Joe's pumpkin favorites... these mini cones mix ginger, pumpkin ice cream and a white chocolate coating for a perfect sized treat.

The pumpkin baking goods, also in full force.

New additions this year include the Pumpkin Spice Pretzel Slims and the Pumpkin Spice Batons, two variations on Trader Joe's standards. The batons are recommended; haven't opened the pretzels yet.

Also excited to try these, from the frozen section: Pumpkin empanadas and spicy pumpkin samosas. These were no-brainers to buy.


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