
Monday, October 12, 2020

LAKERS WIN: You're Welcome


The Blogger Teen has been a Lakers fan for years, but he's also superstitious about watching the games: When he tunes in, the team tends to lose, he says. But with the Lakers up 3-1 over the Miami Heat, I convinced him to watch on Friday as they likely clinched the 2020 championship. We watched — and they played poorly that night, as their defense couldn't handle a surging Heat.

So on Sunday, we knew what to do. We kept tabs on Twitter and social media as we got busy organizing his room. When it looked like they were set to win, we finally tuned in. I know we shouldn't believe in personal curses... but hey, whatever works. This is the first championship for the Lakers in 10 years, and the first the Teen has seen as a fan. Congrats to LeBron, AD and the team.

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