
Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Here at Franklin Avenue, we have an appreciation for mullets. Let's just say it's less an obsession but more of a fascination. Co-worker Steven referred me to this site and I promise you that it's hours and hours of fun. You've got to read all the commentaries that come with the pictures too.

They call women with mullets femullets and when you visit that section, be sure to check out my favorite photo of the femulls & fat rolls. The children section offers one a glimpse of child abuse and you know this site does not discriminate with their mullatinos section. This is their definition of a skullet:
SKULLET- (skûl-ït) n. Someone that shaves their head (to expose the skull) but leaves the mullet.

If you want to be a mullet hunter, they give you great techniques on the sport. Enjoy!

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