
Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Mmm, spam!
Now, coming from Hawaii, I love the spam musubi. (Yes, it's an acquired taste.) The email spam? Not so much. Here's a sampling of what's appeared in my inbox:
From jtimm999: "girls with alot less experience";
from Nicole: "I NEED Y0U";
from jjclay: "first timers doing it just for you";
from Queen 0f Ass: "Great ass!" (that one's my favorite);
from Nigel Christopher: "Appear 21 Again With Our Help!";
from jason.r.glad: "these girls are not pros";
from Jimmy: "!!! Uphold Your Septic Tank Properly";
from SixTeen: "You will Like All these :)";
from Mariah Sandy: "! Acquire Your Diploma In Confidence!".
That's just a sampling from today.

Speaking of Spam--the food, not the email--apparently we missed the first annual Waikiki Spam Jam, which was held April 3 through 5. One of the highlights was the construction of the world's biggest Spam Musubi, which clocked in at 125 feet and used 275 cups of steamed rice, 500 slices of Spam and 208 feet of nori (seaweed wrap). Hawaii, of course, is the world's largest per capita consumer of Spam.

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