
Thursday, July 17, 2003

Downtown Hooray!
You gotta love the shameless boosterism of the Downtown News. The paper can find a silver lining in every tiny step accomplished downtown.
To read the News, one would think that downtown L.A. is already thriving.
Until you actually go downtown, and realize it's still nothing more than a few pockets of activity, here and there.

Still, if you're looking for some encouragement that downtown is turning around, the Downtown News is your lifeline. This week's issue has an optimistic column by Sam Hall Kaplan focusing on local developer Alan Casdan's dream of demolishing Dodger Stadium and building a new park in downtown. Chavez Ravine could then go back to its original use as a housing district.
Kaplan even dreams of a downtown baseball field reminiscent of Brooklyn's old Ebbets Field.

Like I said, it's nice to dream. Reading the Downtown News is like buying a lotto ticket. You know those dreams aren't likely to come true, but what the hell.

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