
Sunday, March 28, 2004


One of the more unique attractions in Hollywood, The Velaslavasay Panorama, shuts down at the end of April.

Never heard of it? It's also one of Hollywood's best-kept secrets. I pass by it all the time on Hollywood Blvd. -- you've probably seen it too, it's the rotunda building surrounded by gardens and fronted with a large sign that says, simply, "PANORAMA."

The Velaslavasay Panorama's "Tswuun-Tswuun Rotunda" is inspired by an art form popular in the 1800s, when the public would visit tremendous rotundas to experience 360-degree panoramic works of art. The Velaslavasay Panorama -- once home to an ice cream shop and pizza parlor -- opened in February 2001.

The site is the brainchild of local artist Sara Velas, who created the first panorama, a painting 70 feet in circumference and nearly five feet tall titled "The Panorama of the Valley of the Smokes." Painting depicts the Los Angeles Basin as it might have existed 200 years ago -- during the height of the panorama craze.

Here's how the Panorama's website describes the attraction: Drawing on the illustrious history of the Great Panorama Paintings of the 18th and 19th centuries, The Velaslavasay PANORAMA in Hollywood is an exhibition rotunda and garden dedicated to the production and presentation of unusual visual experiences of the 360 degree variety.

An early relative to the motion picture, the Panorama was the first manifestation of mass media entertainment culture as we know it today. Based on this curious history and its profound influence on the entertainment industry, it seems absolutely appropriate that the Velaslavasay PANORAMA should find a home on Hollywood Boulevard.

But the site has been sold, and the Panorama must vacate the premises at the end of the month. The Velaslavasay Panorama will hold "old-fashioned style wake in celebration and for fond farewells of this quirky bit of architecture" on April 25 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Tswuun-Tswuun Rotunda is destined to be demolished soon after.

For now, The Velaslavasay Panorama is open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from noon until 5 p.m. It's located at 5553 Hollywood Blvd., one block west of Western.

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