
Friday, April 16, 2004

Over the Hill

Two local broadcasting landmarks could be decimated next year if CBS goes ahead and moves both KCBS/KCAL and CBS Entertainment to a new facility in Studio City.

According to a story from Joe in today's Variety, CBS is seriously considering moving Leslie Moonves and company from Television City -- where the net's programming operations have been headquartered since 1952 -- to a new building likely to be built at the CBS Studio City Radford lot facilities.

KCBS and KCAL were already expected to leave their Columbia Square digs on Sunset for the new building, leaving that longtime broadcast facility with an uncertain future.

The moves would mean all three nets' entertainment operations will now reside on the other side of the hill... and it would leave KTLA as the last TV station standing in Hollywood (where once upon a time just about every local station operated).

But it's the potential demise of Television City -- granted, a creaky facility in desperate need of an upgrade -- that would probably have most locals up in arms. Stay tuned.

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